Jumat, 22 April 2011

Gothamist Daily: The Poorest Town In America Is Closer, And More Jewish, Than You Think

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The Poorest Town In America Is Closer, And More Jewish, Than You Think

_The Poorest Town In America Is Closer, And More Jewish, Than You Think

Did you know that the poorest town in America is a mere 50 miles from New York? According to Census data, Kiryas Joel, the Orange County town that is the home base for the Ultra-Orthodox Satmar Hasidic Jews, has a higher proportion of its population living in poverty than any other city, town or village with 10,000 people in the country. About 70 percent of its 21,000 residents live below federal poverty levels with nearly half of the village's households reporting annual incomes less than $15,000. But the story isn't that simple. [MORE]

_Poll: Americans Pessimistic About Economy, Everything

Poll: Americans Pessimistic About Economy, Everything

A new NY Times/CBS News poll shows Americans are not happy with how things are going, with 70% saying the country is going in the wrong direction, 57% disapproving of how President Obama is handling the economy and 63% disapproving of how the Republicans are handling the economy. The Times says, "Americans are more pessimistic about the nation’s economic outlook and overall direction than they have been at any time since President Obama’s first two months in office, when the country was still officially ensnared in the Great Recession."... [ MORE ]
_Video: Woman Narrowly Escapes Park Slope Attack

Video: Woman Narrowly Escapes Park Slope Attack

And here we have the harrowing video of a Park Slope woman getting attacked on 16th Street by a man described as "a short, Hispanic man with a stocky build." The video was shot from someone's front stoop surveillance camera, and includes sound, so you can hear the woman's blood-curdling screams of terror as she tries to break free from her assailant's grasp. The only thing that stops this video from being completely disturbing is that she manages to break loose as concerned neighbors emerge from their houses. The video also shows the attacker pulling up his pants as she flees. ... [ MORE ]
_Governors Island Wants Help In Naming Castaway Cat

Governors Island Wants Help In Naming Castaway Cat

Everyone is excited about the adorable calico cat that washed up on Governors Island last week. But kitty needs a name! Governors Island marketing and communications director Elizabeth Rapuano wrote, "We have received many calls and emails about the cat that found her way to Governors Island over the weekend. The cat is doing great and is making herself at home around the office and the Island. We realize that this cat needs a name! We remembered that one of the most popular areas of the Island, Picnic Point, was named by one blog reader, so we are again turning to all of you for your ideas." ... [ MORE ]
_Handcuffed Boy Demands Apology From Principal

Handcuffed Boy Demands Apology From Principal

The 7-year-old boy who was dragged out of class in handcuffs earlier this month wants an apology. Joseph Anderson, a special-needs student at P.S. 153 in Maspeth, appeared at a press conference yesterday with his mother and the family attorney, and demonstrated for the cameras how he was carted out of school to a waiting ambulance. He had thrown a tantrum because his Easter egg coloring didn't come out the way he wanted, and the boy explains to CBS 2, "I wanted to color my Easter egg again so my mom could know how nice was it. But Ms. Kate wouldn’t let me so I jumped on the table." Then Joseph became more upset after, he says, the teacher threatened him with a needle!... [ MORE ]
_Bronx Man With Pellet Gun Shot Ten Times By Police

Bronx Man With Pellet Gun Shot Ten Times By Police

A Bronx man who was waving around a pellet gun in the middle of a street fight was shot at least ten times by police early this morning. Police instructed Mamadou Valve to put down his weapon, and when he didn't comply, he was hit by bullets in the torso, legs, buttocks and left elbow; he is currently in critical condition at Lincoln Hospital.... [ MORE ]
_NJ Transit Koran-Burner Gets $25,000 AND His Job Back

NJ Transit Koran-Burner Gets $25,000 AND His Job Back

After nearly a year of posturing and arguing, the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" is inching closer and closer to losing the mosque part and becoming an "interfaith cultural center." But some of the controversies it inspired in the past are still being settled: the NJ Transit employee who burned a Koran on Sept. 11 at a protest of the proposed center, and was subsequently fired from his job, has won his lawsuit against the state, and will get his job back.... [ MORE ]
_Man Accused Of Killing Girlfriend: "I'm Sorry To Her Family. I'm Sorry For My Kids."

Man Accused Of Killing Girlfriend: "I'm Sorry To Her Family. I'm Sorry For My Kids."

The NYC Transit dispatcher accused of fatally stabbing his girlfriend and leaving her in a bathtub sobbed while being taken from the police precinct. Brian Sohtz, 36, told reporters, "I loved Daniella. I'm sorry to her family. I'm sorry for my children." ... [ MORE ]
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